Hosted by nationally touring comedian John Poveromo, Dystopia Tonight was born during the Covid -19 pandemic with a need to bring the 'social' back to media. John interviews a personally curated mix of musicians, comedians, scientists, astronauts, educators and unsung heroes responsible for some of the biggest pop-culture sensations, who often have the best stories, but not the spotlight.
Now with 200+ episodes available to Dystopia Tonight's worldwide audience, we now feature live performances, fundraising events and more. John has developed a reputation to generate funny and deeply engaging interviews with brilliant minds on various topics ranging from the physics of climate change with Lawrence Krauss, to the consistency of edibles with Tommy Chong.
John expertly facilitates conversations across generations and genres because he believes that authentic connection – not clickbait and controversy – is the real path out of this dystopian nightmare.
Check out the videos below to see John host Dystopia Tonight on the road and red carpet: