Cal Dodd is a celebrated voice actor best known for his iconic portrayal of Wolverine in the 1990s animated series X-Men: The Animated Series, a role that solidified him as the definitive voice of the beloved Marvel character. His deep, gravelly voice brought a rugged, powerful edge to Wolverine, capturing the character’s intensity and complexity. Born in Ireland and raised in Canada, Dodd began his career as a musician before transitioning to voice acting. With a career spanning decades, he has worked on numerous animated series, commercials, and video games, earning a dedicated fan following for his versatility and memorable performances. Cal Dodd remains a legendary figure in voice acting, especially revered in the world of comic book animation.
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Voice Actor / Singer / Wolverine
Cathal J. Dodd is an Irish-born voice actor based in Canada. He is best known for his portrayal of the Marvel Comics character Wolverine in X-Men: The Animated Series, its revival X-Men '97, and the Marvel vs. Capcom series of video games. Cal is a highly regarded singer and voice actor who has been heard around the world. His talent, versatility and proficiency have built a career that encompasses television, theatre,
radio, stage, animation, video games, corporate narration and talking toys.