Boy Meets Girl - comprised of George Merrill and Shannon Rubicam, stands as a musical duo renowned for their exceptional songwriting skills and contributions to the music industry. Their global hits, including their own chart-topper (a personal favor...
George Schlatter: The visionary maestro who shook up television with "Laugh-In," crafting a kaleidoscope of laughter, counterculture charm, and unapologetic satire, forever imprinting his comedic genius on the annals of entertainment history joins us...
Julie Seabaugh, the celebrated comedy journalist renowned for her captivating writing style, deep comprehension of the comedy world, and infectious passion for humor, joins us on the latest episode of Dystopia Tonight! With years of immersive industr...
Ariel Alias was crushing the comedy club scene long before an incident at a dingy hole-in-the-wall comedy club in New Jersey propelled her to a house hold name. Poor management from the club’s chef lead to an unruly Trump supporter …
Robert Wuhl, the renowned actor, comedian, and writer known for his roles in "Good Morning Vietnam," "Bull Durham," and "Batman," brings his incisive wit and captivating anecdotes to Dystopia Tonight. In this episode, we explore Wuhl's multifaceted c...
Hailing from an envious background in Improv from Second City, Cavanagh’s journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of extraordinary, leaving an indelible mark on the big screen. From her unforgettable portrayal of the talented bas...
Keith Roberts, the charismatic frontman of Celtic rock band the Young Dubliners, is a force to be reckoned with. Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, Roberts brings an unparalleled authenticity to his music that has captivated audiences across the globe. W...
On this episode of Dystopia Tonight I had the great pleasure of hosting the legendary Jorge Calderón on the show! Calderón is a highly accomplished musician, songwriter, and producer known for his work in the rock, pop, and Americana music …
ATTN Fellow Dystopians! On this episode of Dystopia Tonight I had the great pleasure of speaking with, two of the most vital voices in the world of graphic novels today, Alan Jenkins and Gan Golan!Their new graphic novel, “1/6” is …
The king of DEVOlution is back on Dystopia Tonight with John Poveromo! Jerry Casale, one of the founding members of the iconic new wave band Devo, returns for a lively and thought-provoking discussion. Jerry is a musician, artist, and filmmaker …
Start your Monday morning off with Ken Block, lead singer, and songwriter of the band Sister Hazel! Throughout the episode, Ken’s love for music and performing shines through, and listeners are treated to a glimpse of the hard work and …
On today’s episode of Dystopia Tonight we welcome the triumphant return of Glen Phillips! With a career spanning over three decades as the lead singer and songwriter of the legendary alt rock band Toad the Wet Sprocket, Glen has solidified …
Julia Scotti is a seasoned comedian, actress, and writer who has been performing on stage for over three decades. Born in New Jersey in 1951, Julia began her career as a comedian in the 1980s under the name Rick Scotti. …
In this episode of Dystopia Tonight with John Poveromo, we have the pleasure of welcoming legendary television writer, director, and producer Bill Persky back to the show. With a career spanning over five decades, Bill has worked on some of …
Rachel Ana Dobken is a multi Instrumentalist, singer, songwriter who puts her heart and soul into every word she sings and every note she plays. We dive deep into everything it takes to be a working artist today, trying to …
Sue Kolinsky is an Emmy nominated producer, writer, comedian, podcaster and all around great human being. We cover her early days in standup comedy coming up with Carol Leifer, Paul Reiser, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Carole Montgomery, Kevin Nealon...
I really couldn't ask for better guests than the guys from Retrofile. Had some great conversations about the music and comedy industry and the joys and struggles of being an artist. Great guys and amazing music. Enjoy this one and …
Leighann Lord is one of the funniest comedians working today, and someone I’ve admired as a comic and a friend since we met when I was only a few years into my career in comedy. We cover our mutual nerdiness …
Jessica Burbank is more than just a rising social media personality in that she actually cares about the topics she covers. It's not just about going viral, but getting a message out in an effort to connect with people and …
A new variant is on the rise and we decided to check in with our favorite, resident public health expert, Heather! We also do a deep dive into the country’s current mental health crisis. Enjoy! Heather Butts is the founder …
Having Steven Page on Dystopia Tonight was a genuine highlight of my year. Been a huge fan for a long time and getting to talk with him about his new album, his experiences in the music industry, creative process, his …
For those of us that know SPOOKY season never ends this episode is for you. LVCRFT was one of my favorite episodes and guests and we had a blast talking everything from their expansive careers doing what they love, to …
Dr. Elizabeth Delery and I became friends online over the pandemic over shared science articles, anxieties, ADHD tendencies, general silliness, music, and me nagging her 24/7 about her expertise as a neuro-immunologist. So basically that’s what we discus...
I truly love guests like Kris Perry. Not that I’m picking favorites here but when you get the chance to speak with someone who’s as wildly intelligent and as passionate about a subject as Kris is you jump at the …